We’re located at 4203 E Indian School Rd, Suite #220, Phoenix, AZ 85018.
Dental Checkups in Arcadia
The Benefits of Regular Dental Checkups for Families in Arcadia. Visiting the dentist regularly is one of the most important steps you can take to

Getting back to the Basics of Dental Hygiene
Get the most out of your at-home routine by getting back to the basics of dental hygiene. Routines are part of our daily lives and

Are Veneers Right for You?
Veneers can be a simple, non-invasive way to change your smile’s shape and look while preserving valuable tooth structure. If you’re looking for a non-invasive

Heart Health and the Dental Connection
February is American Heart Month! What does heart health have to do with oral health? Evidence suggests… a lot! Science has found two very distinct

Keeping Mom and Baby Healthy and Happy During Pregnancy
Caring for your mouth while you’re pregnant is one of the most important things you can do to help keep you and your baby healthy.

When is it Smart to Remove Wisdom Teeth?
Some dentists are rethinking automatically extracting wisdom teeth, but in some cases, keeping your wisdom teeth just isn’t that wise. When you are born, all